All of our products are manufactured using the highest grade materials available on the market with the latest technologies. We follow strict quality control guidelines to ensure the highest possible performance of our products.
We manufacture high performance products that respond to our clients’ needs for products that:
Increase component longevity
Reduce maintenance and downtime
Decrease energy consumption
Are 100% Interchangeable with OEM models
Offer a simpler solution
Eliminate design weaknesses
Provide cost reductions
We test our products for months or even years in real-life working conditions before releasing them on the market.
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*SIDEL, SBO, SERIES 1, SERIES 2, UNIVERSAL, MATRIX, EUROPA, LAGIRONDINE, ALSIM, COMBI are trademarks of SIDEL Inc. SIPA, SFR, ECS FX are trademarks of SIPA Plastic Packaging System S.p.A. KRONES, CONTIFORM are trademarks of KRONES GmbH. Zalkin* is a trademarks of ETS Andre Zalkin & Cie. Arol* is a trademarks ofa Arol s.p.a. CSI, ALCOA* is a trademarks of Closure Systems International. FOGG* is a trademarks of Fogg Filler Co. DMA Solution Inc., is not a licensee of Sidel Inc. or SIPA Plastic Packaging System S.p.A. or Krones GbhH or ETS Andre Zalkin & Cie or AROL s.p.a or Closure Systems International or FOGG Filler Co, nor have DMA parts been approved or authorized by Sidel Inc. or SIPA Plastic Packaging System S.p.A. or KRONES GmbH or ETS Andre Zalkin & Cie. or AROL s.p.a or Closure Systems International or FOGG Filler Co.
DMASOLUTION is the leading engineering company for solutions in the manufacturing of high performance products for the PET plastic container and beverage industries.
450-993-3300 1-877-992-1710